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Irene Jacobson


We are very fortunate to have Irene Jacobson at the piano for our A Musicum group! Irene has been with us since (2009?), and is our secret super power. Irene received double degrees in Music and Social Welfare from UC Berkeley. Given her incredible sensitivity to the musical needs of our students, those degrees come as no surprise.


Victor Holmes

office manager

It takes a Ph.D. to run an organization like this! Fortunately, we have Dr. Holmes — a Scientist! (note capital "S" and "!") in real life — to keep the names and numbers organized in his Excel spreadsheet of doom. In addition to his science pedigree and amazing spandex-sporting chops, he has a minor in music from MIT.

Betsy is grateful to have been given the opportunity to study with such incredible teachers. 

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Betsy Marvit

artistic director

Betsy Marvit is deeply grateful to have studied conducting under Judit Hartyányi and László Norbert Nemes, and to have received her Level III Kodály training under Anne Laskey.  She holds degrees from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and Caltech, a "Certificat" from the Sorbonne, and Kodály Certification from HNU. Those who have taught her the most of all are her students of the last 25 years.

© 2019 Young Musicians Chorus

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